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Non Traditional Resources
Ohio Assist
“Ohio ASSIST is offered as a supplement to current peer-support teams. Ohio ASSIST Post Critical Incident Seminar (PCIS) is a three-day program that provides counseling, peer support, and education for Ohio’s safety services personnel, their families, retirees and coworkers.” Check out their website by clicking the button below.
Frontline Freedom Adventure Therapy
Frontline Freedom Therapy Adventure provides adventure therapy opportunities for those struggling with Depression, Anxiety, or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Check out what they have to offer by clicking the button below.
First Responders' Bridge
A great organization who states their mission is to “support all active and retired First Responders and their families, loved ones, or caregivers who are experiencing, or have experienced, any traumatic or life-altering event. The Bridge will promote personal growth and healthy relationships with a multi-faceted approach in a safe and confidential environment.” Click the button to check out their website and learn more.
Save a Warrior
Save A Warrior offers Active or Former Military and/or First Responders an alternative holistic approach to healing psychological trauma. Their novel approach helps the “warrior” implement lifestyle changes that promote healthier ways of being. Save A Warrior asserts that their program “is a path for saving a life and a vehicle for living a life full of self-expression. Click the button to check out their website and the program they have to offer.
Man Therapy
For a lighter look at problems that impact firefighters. Click the button below to check out their website.
Psychology Today
Information site with various articles centered around Psychology and health.